Red, White, and Blue Bundt Cake

This cake was something that just popped into my head after I saw a picture of something similar on Pinterest.  This isn’t a step by step picture how-to like most of these posts will be, so I will try my best to just explain it.  

I will admit that I slightly cheated with this recipe.  That’s right–I CHEATED!  I used boxed cake mix and store bought frosting.  So sue me.  It was yummy anyway.  

So here is what you will need for this awesome cake:

  • 2 boxes white cake mix
  • Oil, eggs, and water needed per the mix
  • Red and Blue food coloring (Gel is preferred over liquid)
  • White Frosting (or Pre-made red and blue frostings)
  • 3 medium sized bowls 

Preheat your oven to 350°F, unless otherwise stated if using a boxed cake mix.  Thoroughly grease a bundt pan (I like to use PAM for baking; it really helps the cakes pull away from the sides of the pan.  Combine all the ingredients in one of the three bowls.  

Here comes the tricky part–

When the batter is mixed, transfer the batter into the two other bowls, making sure there is an equal amount of batter in all three bowls.  Add red food coloring to one bowl until desired color is reached.  The same should be done with the blue.  The white should stay white.  Layer the batters in the pan (I started with red, then white, and blue on top)

NOTE: It will be opposite when the cake is cooled and flipped over 

Place in the oven for the time allotted on the box, about 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean.  Let the cake cool for about 15 minutes in the pan. Then, take the cake out of the pan and plce on a wire rack to cool completely.


The frosting should be dyed the same way as the cake batter.  To make the drizzle effect, I microwaved the frosting for about 20 seconds to soften it up.  I then took a spoon and drizzled the frosting back and forth until it reached the amount I desired.  

And there you have it!  Red, white, and blue bundt cake!

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